Prostitution is one of the largest industries today and it is estimated roughly at $186 Billion worldwide. This estimate includes the legal registrations. The underground prostitution generates a rough estimate of $40 Billion. Germany is the largest prostitution industry in the continent and serves around $1.2 Million men every day.
Now the question arises, whether prostitution is legal in Germany
The answer to that question is, Yes, prostitution is legal in Germany. The government of Germany has prostitution legalized as well as applied a tax on it. While the United States is known as the center of the prostitution industry but Germany generates a gigantic revenue of 15 billion Euros every year which converts into $18 Billion every year. The prostitution industry in Germany has 400,000 prostitutes working every day. Germany holds the top place in more prostitutes per capita than any other country throughout Europe.
History of Prostitution in Germany
Prostitution has always been accepted and presents in Germany. Prostitution is almost the most common scenario on a German street. Throughout the history of Germany, the government has always tried to keep this industry in check. The government has accepted to legalize prostitution and since has started registration and obtaining authorization and control to some extent on those involved in the industry.
Laws on Prostitution
Prostitution was a criminal offense before 1927 in Germany as there was no particular law passed on the industry and the act. A bill was passed in 1927 which made prostitution legal, the law was stated as the Law for Combating Venereal Diseases. More rights were further extended to the people under this act through another act stated as Prostitution Act in 2002. The proper implications of the act were to provide social security and health insurance and benefits to the prostitutes. The act also aimed at improving the social condition for the involved by providing a proper legal right to engage in work contracts and have a security and a standard of payment.
What did the law do?
The law surely did benefit the prostitutes involved in the industry but no place on this planet can stand stable without complications. There were many complications with this act as the crimes surrounding the industry exponentially increased. The crimes such as theft, exploitation and sex trafficking increased to a greater extent as compared to other similar crimes. As the laws made it difficult for the owners of the brothel to invade tax, they started exploiting women from Eastern Europe. One of the media reports stated that 70% of the women in this industry placed in Germany were foreigners without a proper visa or passport, trafficked into Germany for prostitution.
The Prostitution Act of 2002
The 2002 prostitution act was stated to be one of the failed law enforcement. Many of the workers were illegally residing in the country and those with proper citizenship never intended to stay in the country for a long period of time. They piled up money and evaded tax by leaving the country before any legal notice can be initiated and charged. On the other hand, brothels paid the government a heavy tax by generating huge income for the government had no interest in paying attention to the safety and protection of the workers, mostly women. This led to discontent among the workers as both the parties, worker and the consumers were stated as clients. Thus, many prostitutes found it very obvious and beneficial to work independently rather than going by a contract. The contract would pay them less and the safety measures remained the same with or without a contract.
Street Prostitution
Although prostitution is very much legal in Germany, different cities place different taxes, charges, and regulations according to their landscape and the residing crowd. Thus, street prostitution is only legal in areas where the regulations are very organized. The street prostitution can be found in many cities of Germany which are marked with off-limit zones. Most of the street prostitution in Germany remain unidentified as there are many prostitutes who work independently without any registration.
A single street sex act can cost somewhere between $5 to $33,000 for a week. Hamburg is the most famous for prostitution in Germany. The Reeperbahn area in Hamburg is stated as the red-light district. Whereas in Berlin prostitution is legal and allowed everywhere.
Industry in the Capital
Prostitution is openly conducted on the streets of Berlin throughout the day. Prostitution is highly active during the night time from 10 PM to 4 AM. There are many bars that hold apartments on the floor above that are rented for prostitution. The most famous place in Berlin for prostitution is an apartment known as Simply Puffs. The advertisements can be openly seen or heard throughout Berlin. Another famous place in Berlin is FKK clubs which provide a luxury atmosphere to their clients. The FKK clubs have “meet and greet bars”, swimming pools and a complete resort facility along with private rooms on the upper floors. One of the largest FKK clubs in Berlin is Artemis and it has a very good reputation related to their services.
The very question arising in your mind would be, how safe is all this? And the question is a very genuine one as the answer to that question can be very subjective. As prostitution is legal in Germany and regulated by the government, safety is not a major concern as compared to other places. The government has multiple clauses and rules for prostitution so if you are unaware of any rule and commit any act you might get a charge placed on you.
Along with the government rules these places have a rule book of their own. Getting too much intoxicated and denying the payment after service might land you into jail. The safety measures are very efficient if you abide by the rules. Strict actions are taken immediately if convicted of any crime throughout the states. The government has well-established control over these places and hold complete responsibility for the registered personnel.
Apart from all these conjectures as well as well stated fact, the prostitution industry in Germany is known for its outstanding and intimidating service.