South West Trains:
What’s the weirdest thing ever found on a train?
Every year a huge number of personal objects and possessions are left behind on trains across the length and breadth of the UK’s rail network. Objects are so commonly lost that many train operators receive over 600 daily calls about items that have been left behind after a journey.
Typically, travelers leave behind objects like wallets or mobile phones, but, surprisingly a wide range of weirdly unexpected items have been left on trains in the past two – and a new infographic, published by South-West-Trains, looks at the type of objects that have been left behind on their vehicles – with surprising, interesting, and sometimes shocking findings.
Here are some of the candidates for the weirdest things found on their trains:
Leaving a wallet or mobile phone behind on a train can be debilitating – for many people the thought of modern life without a mobile is enough to induce mild nausea – but a prosthetic arm was once handed-in to South West Trains’ lost property office – taking the level of debilitation caused by a lost object to new practical heights.
Sometimes, the types of objects that are lost are influenced by specific dates too. For example, a large number of Valentine’s Day gifts are left behind on the 14th of February – leading to potential disappointment for the intended recipients of the most romantic gifts – but, more personally, a birthday cake was once handed into South West Trains’ lost property office. Thankfully, the tasty treat was claimed – and maybe enjoyed even more than it would’ve been if it hadn’t been lost in the first place.
South West Trains Facts
However, in terms of sheer seriousness, one of the weirdest things left on a train is a bit more shocking: a child was left behind during a school trip.
Obviously, this is a far more worrying loss than a mobile phone, but thankfully the poor pupil was taken care of with tea and biscuits before someone, presumably a teacher, came and collected him.
It’s best to keep your wits about you when on the train: losing car keys, a passport or wallet behind can be frustrating, but you never know what else you could leave behind. You can see the infographic here: infographic
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