Trains to East Croydon:
East & West Croydon Information: Location of Croydon Trains to Croydon Trains to Gatwick Shopping Center Opening Hours Airport Museum
Croydon is located in South London. It’s in Travelcard Zone 6. So, while buying a travelcard, remember that you will need an all zone card, just the central zone travelcard will not be valid.
Croydon is a great location to be based on if your travel involves going to central London, Wimbledon or to abroad via Gatwick airport.
East Croydon to Clapham Junction:
There are frequent trains to travel. It barely takes 9 mins of journey time and ticket price will be around GBP 4. Have given a picture of a timetable as on 24th April 2014 to show you how it looks on the national rail website.
As you can see, the ticket price is for the immediate travel in second class. If you want to travel to London as well, then that’s what one of the options at the top indicates “buy with travelcard”.
Trains to East Croydon to London Victoria:
Good news is, there are plenty of trains.
More Info On- Croydon shopping Center, Trains from East Croydon to Gatwick, Where is Croydon airport located, Where is Croydon Located