Daily life in Britain: People outside of Britain can be very curious about way of life in Britain. British are known for their sense of humor and tight upper lip.
How is Daily life in Britain?
You can experience this in the tube travel in London where everyone quietly does there own thing and tries hard to avoid eye contact. While it is true that British are generally very reserved, all that goes for a toss when enjoying a drink at the pub.
Here you will find all information that you need about British day to day life. Here is how the information is organized:
Daily family and kid’s life in Britain
What is Favorite Pasttimes of British People?
What are Favorite Pets in Britain that people like to keep?
What are typical Greetings and Manners in Britain?
How is Family Life in Britain?
What are favorite holiday destinations for British?
If you are invited for a meal, what Subjects should you talk and which subjects you should avoid?
What are table manners in the UK?
Here are some Dinner Gift Ideas
What do you mean by “Terms of Endearment“? There was a movie with this name as well.
What are typical Birthday Celebrations in England?
What Is a Pub and what exactly do people do there?
How is Typical Teenager Life in Britain?
What are various Types of Shops In Britain?
England Taboos, Do’s and Don’ts
Here are some Popular British Sayings & Idioms
Popular Games Kids Play indoors and outdoors
How is Typical Day and Weekend for a Child in Britain?
I have heard about a unique game called Conkers played in the UK. How Is Conkers Played and what are the rules?
British weddings and gifts
What are typical Wedding Gifts in a British wedding?
Special events and holidays in Britain
Counties in England – Information on all English counties with places to see and things to do in those counties. Tourist attractions in major towns, wedding venues, places for afternoon tea and caravans.